Flat wire inductance calculator. AJ Design ☰ Math Geometry Physics Force Fluid Mechanics Finance Loan Calculator. Flat wire inductance calculator

 AJ Design ☰ Math Geometry Physics Force Fluid Mechanics Finance Loan CalculatorFlat wire inductance calculator The self-capacitance of a single-layer air core solenoid

At high frequencies, a real inductor is usually modeled as the LRC circuit shown in the figure. 005 in × 92 (36-n)/39. D D = coaxial cable outer diameter. 000M? resistance. Loop Inductance Overview. Multi-Layer Coil Inductance Calculator. 2. Inductance Calculators. Enter the coil diameter (form diameter + wire diameter - see diagram). Find true inductance of a ferrite toroid core inductor at the radio frequency. Mutual Inductance. A precision laboratory resistor is made of a coil of wire 1. 1. Available Winding Area of the Core: W A c. Impedance Calculators Below is a collection of very useful impedance calculators. Description. Input (number of turns) N = (length of one side) W = (wire radius) a = (relative permeability)Hello everybody, I have found a formula given by Wheeler which gives the inductance of a flat -single layer- spiral coil assuming the coil is made up of solid wire. For a notionally thin wire, you can say that the magnetic flux produced by any part of the flow of current couples to flux produced by all other parts of the flow of current. Dimensional units:. 3 Self-Inductance of a Toroid Calculate the self-inductance of a toroid which consists of N turns and has a rectangular cross section, with inner radius a,. eff. Flat Spiral Coil: The inductance of a flat spiral coil can be determined by entering its dimensions in the boxes above. Find Wire Self Inductance Calculator at CalcTown. Enter the coil diameter (form diameter + wire diameter - see diagram). 00mF capacitance, 0. Advanced Crystal Radio Initiative Calculator £ 6. The inductance for a rectangle loop is: where. While this is a “round wire” formula, it may still be applicable to. Broadside coupled traces are on adjacent planes and the return is identical to the trace in width and length. Regarding current sheet inductance formulas for single-layer coils, one of the most widely known is the one by Wheeler [2], which states (after converting to metric units): L = (d 2 n 2) / (l + 0. The inductance of a rectangle loop has three geometric variables: W – rectangle long side; h – rectangle short side; d – wire diameter; Rectangle Loop Inductance Model. Where: Lwop L w o p = inductance of the wire over plane in henries (H) μ0 μ 0 = permeability of free space = 4π×10−7. are calculated. Reference: “Analysis of Multiconductor. To use this tool, just fill in the required fields and click on the "calculate" button. The calculator allows calculating the number of windings of the multilayer air core coil on a rectangular former at the design stage. If you have any suggestions for improvement please email [email protected]. The impedance ZL of an inductor of inductance L, in complex form, is given by ZL = j XL. Figure 14. Effective equivalent circuit; effective equivalent circuit: effective series inductance at the design frequency from Corum’s sheath helix waveguide formula, corrected for field non-uniformity and round wire 1,3,6,7 (L_{ ext{eff,s}}) µH: effective series reactance of the round wire coil at the design frequencyAir Cored Inductor Calculator - Includes Q - Size units in mm - Computes Inductance, Q and wire length AL Inductance Calculator ### - Input two values and get the third - Inductance units: mHenrys,. 967. The inductance of solenoid follows then from the following equation: L = µ₀ × N² × A/l. F. Flat conductor and adjacent return-path conductor I I Effective inductance associated with one wire: L e = p − M p L e ≈ µ 0 2π l ln d w+t + 3 2 (LF) and w, d l Flat conductor over a. 1. The resonant frequency formula is: Where. In the past it was thought that the secondary coil wire length should match the quarter wave length of the Tesla coil's resonate frequency. density of steel. The secondary inductance indicated from the flat spiral coil calculator in Part 1 of the design was (2 x 71. 7 mH, 3. 0. Or more simply: R = 3c / 2. For coil inductance in Henrys: L = N 2 * µ * A / Cl. Inductance is caused by the magnetic field generated by electric. The variables used in this tool are the diameter of the wire conductor and the diameter of the wire loop. Select the box with the geometry that you would like to calculate. 1: Some of the magnetic field lines produced by the current in coil 1 pass through coil 2. Grover [2, pp. The LCR meter measures the inductance of two cables. 20408 µH . The inductance of the coplanar trace calculation requires 4 variables: W - Trace Width; S - Trace Seperation; L - Trace LengthMutual inductance is where the magnetic field generated by a coil of wire induces voltage in an adjacent coil of wire. 99 Colorado Springs Magnifying Transmitter Scale Model Design Sheet £ 19. Straight Wire Inductance. The Smith Chart graphically maps S11=reflection coefficient= (ZL-Z0)/ (ZL+Z0) to Load Impedance (ZL), normalized to Z0 (source impedance = center of chart). Width w = ( (wire diameter / 25. Li is inductance distrib-uted within the wire, from the surface to the center . g. The capacitance is a function only of the geometry (including their distance) of the conductors and the permittivity of the dielectric. Wire Self Inductance Calculator. Here you can calculate the inductance for a given size of helical coil wound in one layer. A single-layer inductor is shown in the picture above: D c is the coil diameter, D is the coil former diameter, l is the coil length, p is the coil pitch, d is the wire without insulation diameter and d i is the wire with insulation diameter. The magnetic field, B, exists within and outside of the wire. kL: field non-uniformity correction factor according to Lundin. l: length of the coil, measured from the connecting wires centre to centre. The double integral of Neumann’s formula is computed numerically to evaluate the. The double integral of Neumann’s formula is. HCV power inductors. w = width of winding (in inches) N = number of turns. Two inductors whose self-inductances are given as 75mH and 55mH respectively, are positioned next to each other on a common magnetic core so that 75% of the lines of flux from the first coil are cutting the second coil. 12: Inductance. Having this in consideration, together with the particularities of planar coils previously mentioned, the complexity associated with the auto-inductance calculation. The equation above is from “Inductance Calculations” by F. The following is a design tool which calculates the inductance of an air core inductor. Regards JimFlat Spiral Coil. The inductance calculated using this tool is the inductance of the loop bounded by the two biplanar flat conductors. Using our Solenoid Inductance calculator, you can easily find the inductance of a solenoid for different configurations. If you are working with antennas and displacement current, you need to define your intent because the inductance and capacitance in an antenna or transmission line combine to appear as non reactive impedance. This keeps the inductance low, but also the bulk of the antenna thin / narrow. 67r and the frequency is less than 10 MHz. Wire Self Inductance Calculator Formula. Inductance is the ability to store energy in a magnetic field. The inductance in the form of a round loop is calculated by the formula: where: L - inductance [H];; D - diameter of the loop [m];; d - diameter of the wire [m];; μ 0 = 4π·10-7 permeability of free space;; μ - relative magnetic permeability of the conductor;; You can often find the last formula in which the last member of the equation is 1. Calculating limitations: The winding pitch cannot exceed the doubled wire diameter; Coil diameter cannot be greater than the doubled diameter of the rod ; Winding length should be less than 3/4 length of the rod; When the coil is shifting it should not reach the edge of the core 1/8 of its length; The initial magnetic. The inductance for the two wire inductance might be useful in measuring the inductance for a signal and ground on a ribbon cable. Parallel Wire Impedance (Zo) = Ohms. This is difficult in most cases, because of the complexity of the field created. It can only be solved indirectly, by calculating the inductance of many coils, subject to any constraints, and by choosing the design whose inductance matches the predefined value best, e. The inner and outer radius of the planar spiral coil is determined from the general equation of the filament of the wire. In the model, the wire width of the coil is modelled as constant current-carrying filaments. Note: Copper, which most wires are made of, have a relative. Characteristic Impedance Calculator for the Measurement of PCB Tracks and Coaxial Cables Using a Vector Network Analyser. 5, we can see the significance of the earlier description of mutual inductance (M) as a geometric quantity. It is similar in function to capacitors and inductors but only for very high frequencies. 6. F. Multilayer coil inductance calculator. The inductance of a wire loop is a common textbook example of a circuit with inductance. Simply enter the diameter, dielectric constant, and separation values to obtain the. The formula can be used for practical calculations of the toroidal air core coils with round cross section. Inductance is one of the transmission line parameters. Dimensions are in meters. Dimensions are in meters. Flat spiral air core coil inductor design calculator solving for inductance given wire coil number of turns, core material permeability, coil area and average coil length. Effective equivalent circuit; effective equivalent circuit: effective series inductance at the design frequency from Corum’s sheath helix waveguide formula, corrected for field non-uniformity and round wire 1,3,6,7 (L_{ ext{eff,s}}) µH: effective series reactance of the round wire coil at the design frequencyThis gives a lay length of 41. DIY Audio & Video Tutorials, FAQs, Calculators and Examples for. Rectangle Inductance Description. 2. The thick coil formula is 1% accurate when the denominator terms are approximately equal. coil. Add the products of the coil diameter and 18 with wire length and 40 to get the denominator. 50 cm in diameter and 4. To use this tool, just enter the diameter of the loop, the diameter of. Wire Loop Inductance Description. Temperature instability of inductance. The microstrip is a very simple yet useful way to create a transmission line with a PCB. according to Rosa, 1,4,5 • A round wire mutual-inductance correction factor k. Inductance. The n gauge wire diameter d n in millimeters (mm) is equal to 0. Microstrip and stripline inductance. Enter zero for the magnetic at the center of the coil/solenoid. 643 mm and wire’s centre is placed 5 mm over the ground plane. μr μ r = relative permeability. Inductance is the ability to store energy in a magnetic field. 2833 lbs/in3. d = Winding depth in inches. A bifilar coil is an electromagnetic coil that contains two closely spaced, parallel windings. To. Dimensional units: mm mils d1 (outer diameter) = d2 (inner diameter) = N (number of turns) = L (Inductance, nH) =. The inductance calculator allows you to choose from a series of measurement units for your convenience as well. L = (μ₀ × μr × N² × A) / (2π × d) L is the inductance per turn (in henries per turn). Dimensions are in meters. The inductance calculated using this tool is the external inductance of the loop bounded by the flat conductor and the ground plane. ) coils, by setting the number of turns per layer, NT to 1 and setting the. μ₀ is the permeability of free space, approximately equal to $4π × 10^ {-7} , ext {H/m}$. (2) θ = 2 π N. Units: Henries. W. Benefits include greater wire density in the gap, and a single layer of flat wire has less inductance than two or more layers of round wire. Air Core Flat Spiral Inductance. formulas to calculate the self inductance L. Inductance is a property of electrical circuits that causes a voltage to be induced in a conductor when the current in the conductor changes. Figure 14. Another advantage of ribbon over round wire bonding is the better mechanical loop stability of ribbon bonds which can achieve lower loop angles and lower loop heights than round wire bonds. The wire length is calculated as an average of the evenly spaced turns, this results in a estimated spiral length from being calculated as single circles. Multilayer coil inductance calculator. S. Microstrip Inductor Calculator. Here are the formulas used: 1. Formula in Inch Units: L = r2N2 / (9r + 10A); N. Two parallel wires. Optimization results for example 2. The calculator uses Bob Weaver's equation with round wire corrections. µΓéÇ is the vacuum permeability and its value is 1. It is important to determine the characteristic impedance of a twisted-pair cable because this impedance should match the impedance. 4. W. using an optimization method. Parallel Wire Inductance Calculator. 2. To reduction of overall dimensions of the coil and number of turns apply magnetic cores - ring, armored. For example, the electrical conductivity of copper is σ ≈ 5. The figure below shows the overall inductance over frequency for a 1m single wire over ground plane in the unit Henry. N: number of turns. 5Turns 25-100MHZ. Good job on the calculator. Grover in 1946. 2 to 2. Coplanar traces are common in printed circuit boards. 65 mm without insulation and 0. "Coil64" is a free coil inductor calculator, that allows calculating: single-layer and multilayer air core inductors, toroidal air core coil inductance, inductors on ferrite rings, in pot core, flat coils on the PCB, and also LC tank parameters. Wire is assumed to have circular cross section. Where ρ is the resistivity of the conductor in Ω. 98µH). The single layer air core coil formula is most accurate when the coil length is greater than 0. The length of the secondary coil is used to calculate the wire weight. The inductance for the two wire inductance might be useful in measuring the inductance for a signal and ground on a ribbon cable. A transformer is a device constructed of two or more coils in close proximity to each other, with the express purpose of creating a condition of mutual inductance between the coils. main program for coil calculator. Inductance is a property of an electrical circuit that describes the amount of energy stored in the magnetic field created by the current flowing through the circuit. The inductance ranges from 0. The inductance of a coax cable can be useful to know. Measure the length of the transmission line, and present the length (in meters. Copper Windings a. Parameters . 2. Wire Profile. Weaver’s article Numerical Methods for Inductance Calculation is used for calculations of. 3 mm, the inductance of the loop between the planes tends to be small relative to the connection inductance above the planes. 0. Where r w - cross-section radius of the wire. The inductance of the DIP package connection to the power planes, LDIP, will be calculated with the 'long rectangular loop above a plane' formula (Calculator: Inductance of Wire Above Return Plane). Most of online calculators enable to find inductance of the coil knowing its winding dimensions and number of turns. Step 1: In the input field, enter the capacitance, inductance, and x for the unknown. Formula. Select the box with the geometry that you would like to calculate. Equation. 37mm2, and a Rubadue S11NC133ECC-7 has an area of 4. 9 r r r0----- = ln 4. Enter the coil length (distance from first to last winding - see diagram). Round wire corrections are not required for single turn coils. Enter the width of the conductor:imity factor Φ. Choose units for a and W. If you don’t already have one, consider getting a breadboard. 000uH to 100. This represents a simple form of an inverse problem. R = R i + a θ, θ i ≤ θ ≤ θ o. In 1931, H. A rectangle loop inductance calculator is a tool used to calculate the inductance of a rectangular loop of wire. 005in times 92 raised to the power of 36 minus gauge number n, divided by 39:. ductance". To learn more about the capabilities of EMI Analyst, sign up to access our download area. An insulated coil of N2 turns is wrapped around it, as shown in Figure 11. US $37. Most of online calculators enable to find inductance of the coil knowing its winding dimensions and number of turns. lated by computing the mutual inductance between two fila-mental conductors placed at a distance equal to the geomet-rical mean distance or every pair of points in the section of the conductor. Assumptions and Limitations Dimensions are in meters. Biplanar Inductance Model Inductance of the loop bounded by two biplanar flat conductors is: Units: Henries. The magnetic field strength depends on the magnitude of the electric current, and follows any changes in the magnitude of the current. Place two equal lengths of wire (each approximate three-feet long) flat on a non-metallic table (or wooden board) such that the wires are parallel and spaced 2. 000uH to 100. Note: This calculator is also suitable for flat spiral (pancake, spiderweb, etc. Air Core Inductor Designer / Calculator. The auto-inductance of a coil is dependent on the mutual inductance between each current turn, the self-inductance of the coil’s wire, and the environment surrounding it. length = length of the coil in meters*. 75 instead 2. Low frequency, perfect conductor: no skin effect. The self-capacitance of a single-layer air core solenoid. Description. Calculate the D. This formula applies at 'low' frequencies (<30MHz) ) using enameled copper wire. Find the value of the absolute permittivity of the material between the plates ε. 081 uH. In electrical engineering, the word bifilar describes wire which is made of two filaments or strands. Coplanar Waveguide With Ground Calculator. D is the coil diameter in meters. Circular capacitor calculator, including edge effect. Wire Size (AWG/in/mm) Wire Length (in/mm) Inductance = 0. Inductance (L) = nH/ cm. H = Factor corresponding to coil length/diameter ratio. To calculate the number of turns (N) required to make any specific inductance,This calculator makes use of standard bobbins in Fair-Rite's # 77 material - so frequency is limited to about 10 MHz, depending on the winding. Inductance is going to be around 3500 nh for 10 feet. The intensity B of the magnetic field of a solenoid composed of coils wound in air (that is, without a ferromagnetic core) can be calculated using the following formula: where: μ 0 = 4Π x 10 -7 H/m is the magnetic constant (vacuum permeability) N is the number of turns. 1 µH. Say we have two parallel conducting plates with equal and opposite currents I I. Coil Inductance Calculator Use this calculator to determine the inductance of single-layer and multilayer coils: Flat Spiral Coil Calculator Flat Spiral Coil Calculator: Flat Spiral Coil Calculator Flat Spiral Coil Calculator: Flat Wire Inductor Calculator Active calculator for a flat wire, ribbon or PCB track showing the formula used3. 5 times larger cross section to be selected. ex. In all cases, the length is 4 times the radius. Moving between the boxes by clicking or using the 'TAB' button on your keyboard, will update the result. 00pF to 100. Conductors are assumed to be embedded in a homogeneous medium having permittivity and permeability. This optimal multilayer coil is called a Brooks coil. Use the formula for self-inductance of a wire: L = (μ₀μr * π * r²) / length, where μ₀ is the permeability of free space, μr is the relative permeability of the wire material, r is the radius of the wire, and length is the total length of the wire. D is the coil diameter in meters. Assumptions and Limitations. 2 mΩ, depending on the type. L L = length of the wire. Biplanar Inductance Model Inductance of the loop bounded by two biplanar flat conductors is: Units: Henries. com Wire Self Inductance Calculator. In this paper, a simplified method for the calculation of a mutual inductance of the planar spiral coil, motivated from the Archimedean spiral, is presented. Alternatively, you. The inputs to this calculator are length. The approximate formulas used to calculate the inductance are provided along with restrictions on the relative size of the various parameters. Cable impedance formula. Inductance Calculator. Coil Inductance Calculator. A microstrip is a flat conductor separated by insulating dielectric from a large conducting ground plane. Here it is in terms of D, the diameter of the coil: The inductance, L, is defined in terms of the current, I, flowing through the system, and Wm, the magnetic energy density is proportional to B2. "Coil64" is a free coil inductor calculator, that allows calculating: single-layer and multilayer air core inductors, toroidal air core coil inductance, inductors on ferrite. Where: Lwop L w o p = inductance of the wire over plane in henries (H) μ0 μ 0 = permeability of free space = 4π×10−7. Single layer air core inductor calculator. With this approx-imation, the effective diameter D. And you can input any four of the five components of the inductance formula to retrieve the fifth. Flat wire requires that the round wire be flattened (usually by rollers) and spooled. The mutual inductance M21 of coil 2 with respect to coil 1 is the ratio of the flux through the N2 turns of coil 2 produced by the magnetic field of the current in coil 1, divided by that current, that is, M21 = N2Φ21 I1. The loop self inductance, distributed per inch of circumference, is roughly 150nH / 6 inches, or 25nH per inch of circumference. By understanding the microstrip transmission line, designers can. Inductor Impedance Calculator. Instructions say I. From this result, we see that the trace inductance depends on: Trace thickness (or copper weight)In Equation 14. Let the width of the plates be b b, the distance between them a a and length l. Coil Inductance Calculator. The Ground boundary condition at the. Touch the red wire to the exposed end of the resistor and the black wire to the opposite end of the inductor. The n gauge wire diameter d n in inches (in) is equal to 0. But a round braid wire normally takes up less space than a flat braid wire would. To calculate the inductance of a single-layer, air-core coil: 1. What is the mutual inductance? We need to know the radius, so assume its 1/2 * 0. C. A A = coil area (m 2) Parallel Wire Inductance Calculator. ϵr ϵ r = relative permittivity of the dielectric between the plane (s) and the wire. In all cases, the current is assumed to flow in the outer surface of the. A round wire self-inductance correction factor k s according to Rosa, 1,4,5; A round wire mutual-inductance correction factor k m according to Knight, 1,6; A reduced effective coil diameter for modelling the current quenching in the wire under the proximity effect of nearby windings, The classic formula for single-layer inductance (air core) is called Wheeler's formula, which dates back to the radio days of the 1920s: where: L = inductance in micro-Henries (not nano-Henries!) N= number of turns of wire. Additionally, since the inductance is dependent upon its material surrounding, use Table-4 to determine an appropriate "K" factor (multiplier) for the inductance. Coil Geometry: Select the geometry of your coil from the list. (4-3), therefore, I needed a 2- H inductor. (OpenStax 23. length. Dimensions are in meters. The formulas assume a cable configuration as shown in the figure above. Dimensions are in meters. Two parallel wires with currents in opposite directions. Computes L Three More Coil/Inductance Calculators - Some choice of units for inputs - 2 outputs are Inductance - The other is Reactance. Solenoid 6 and 7 were 1 H. The inductance of the loop. To calculate the inductance of a multi-turn circular wire loop, multiply the above formula by N 2, where N is the number of turns. Loop length and width must be greater than the wire diameter. Table 6 shows the cross-section area for a round wire versus. Once you have the core inductance, you can calculate wire losses and flux density. EEWeb offers a free online twisted pair impedance (transmission line) calculator. The original formula below has been changed to use diameter rather than radius. The trace capacitance is defined with respect to the nearest ground plane in the particular configuration presented above. Since my layer thickness is 0. 7 mm with insulation). I is the current intensity, in Ampere. When the effective cross sectional area of a wire gets larger, current flowing on one edge of the wire can produce a small. Introduction of Coil Physical Properties Calculator. Ferrite toroid calculator. Enter the coil length (distance from first to last winding - see diagram). Six Inductor Parameters 4. An insulated coil of N2 turns is wrapped around it, as shown in Figure 11. Ground planes are assumed to be perfectly. Relative dielectric constant (er) mm. A is the area of cross-section of the solenoid. 6 lbs/ft3 | . Access Southwire’s Free Calculating Tools. Rule of Thumb # 7: In the special case of two flat, wide conductors, adjacent to each other, with a spacing comparable to their line width, the total inductance of either one is just 10 nH/inch. Note this is not the self-inductance of the wire but, rather, a closed loop. C. Ground wire is adequate for power frequency applications while flat ground straps perform better at higher frequencies. Refer to the bottom of the page for explanation of input variables and other notes. resistance ratio using formula 2. aThe inductance of a PCB trace determines the strength of any crosstalk it will receive. Does several flat shapes - Other calculator links here Single-Layer Flat Air Coil Calculator - Accepts dimension inputs in inches or mm. Calculate the parallel wire impedance, inductance, capacitance, and propagation delay using this online electrical calculator. This rule of thumb helps us estimate the total inductance in the return path of a connector or package lead. 739 althoughtheplanofcalculationhereadopteddiffersfromthat ofNiwa. The variables needed in calculating this inductance are center conductor diameter, distance to outer shield, and length. 25mm (10 mils = 0. 2. The inductance for the two wire inductance might be useful in measuring the inductance for a signal and ground on a ribbon cable. Conductors is assumed to have zero. e. The size of the loop is determined by a, the radius of the loop. Enter the coil length (distance from first to last winding - see diagram). To find out how much inductance a coil has, do the following: Step 1: Enter the coil radius Rc or the coil diameter Dc (in Advanced mode). The auto-inductance of a coil is dependent on the mutual inductance between each current turn, the self-inductance of the coil’s wire, and the environment surrounding it. Then the inductance of a similar coil having 20 turns is:2 Answers. w = width of winding (in inches) N = number of turns. Many conductor properties are frequency dependent and dynamically affect electromagnetic characteristics of circuitry and systems. Mark. Parasitic own capacity of the coil inductance. 45d) [μH] where d is the coil diameter in meters, n the number of turns and l the coil length in meters. This calculator is designed to compute the inductance of a loop of wire given the diameter of the loop and the diameter of the wire used for the loop. Wire sizes, AWG # chosen to meet current specification. Assumptions and Limitations. B. With an LCR meter, I am measuring the inductance of the cable. Di = inner diameter in inches. m. Air Core Inductor Calculator - Wide choice of coil size units - Computes Inductance with choice of units Air Core Inductor Designer - Calculator - Input in mHenrys and inches - Extensive output on a new page. Robert N9NQCables with copper-clad aluminium wire (CCAW) should have two AWG sizes larger (e. At 20khz the reactance is approximately 0,44 ohms. This paper also shows that FEM simulations offer simplicity and flexibility to analyze skin and proximity effects in si ngle- and multi-conductor systems with different cross-sectional shapes. The value of M neatly encapsulates the physical properties of circuit elements and allows us to separate the physical layout of the circuit from the dynamic quantities, such as the emf and the current. μr μ r = relative permeability. Note: You can also use Inductance of. To calculate the values, just select or enter the AWG size and. OF TURNS = 10 OUTPUTS: INDUCTANCE = 10. The inductance calculated using this tool is the inductance of the loop bounded by the two coplanar flat conductors. Can we obtain the same low inductance by twisting two wires at audio frequencies?. Inductance calculation of a ferrite toroid coil. In Figure 3-3, one of the flat strips is re-placed by 4 wires. Think of us as a design partner: If you've got questions, we're happy to work through them with you quickly and. Single layer air core inductor calculator. (4) Where: L = loop inductance a = loop radius r 0 = wire radius. Enter the number of turns (windings). inductor or choke on the design stage. Choose a calculator to tune your PCB design. The wire was some common copper ground wire I picked up at a local hardware store. Calculations provided on this page are a simplified subset from EMI Analyst models. resistance) for the length of round straight wire is calculated using the conductor resistivity, the length of the conductor and the effective cross sectional area used by the skin effect. Parallel conductors ( current in one direction) r≪w. Its a little thought experiment.